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Advanced English Writing

课程编码:08A11440 学分:2.0 课程类别:专业任选课

计划学时:32 其中讲课:32 实验或实践:0 上机:0


推荐教材:丁往道、吴冰.英语写作手册(英文版第三版) [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2009.


1. 祁寿华,高级英语写作指南[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001.

2. Bowell, T. & G. Kemp.Critical Thinking: a Concise Guide[M]. London/New York: Routledge, 2002.

3. J. Langan.College Writing Skills (Sixth Edition)[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2007.

4. 周红红、杨若东.高级英语写作[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2009.




1. 进一步掌握英语语句、语段和语篇的结构特点;掌握英语记叙文、描写文、说明文和议论文的文体特点和写作技巧;提高语言措辞的连贯性和准确性。

2. 通过学习和实践,掌握英语标准化测试,实用型语篇及学术型语篇的组织模式及特征运用。

3. 总结各类语篇的写作要点,系统讲解英语语篇写作中的语言运用、主题确定、结构布局、逻辑论证、思维方式与表达方式,以及材料的筛选、利用等实际问题。



第一章:Reflecting on Your Writing 建议学时:4

[教学目的与要求] Learn about the types, stages of English writing, features of good writing.

[教学重点与难点] Learn how to evaluate a piece of writing.

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Principles of English writing

第二节Evaluation of English writing

第二章:Getting Ideas Sorted Out 建议学时:6

[教学目的与要求] Learn the ways of the presenting your ideas.

[教学重点与难点] How to identify topic sentence and how to develop it.

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Classification and exemplification

第二节Comparison and contrast

第三节Cause and effect

第三章:Describing What You See 建议学时:6

[教学目的与要求] Learn how to correctly describe things.

[教学重点与难点] Describing people, objects, and places.

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节describe people

第二节describe objects

第三节describe places

第四章:Telling What Happened 建议学时:6

[教学目的与要求] Learn how to describe events.

[教学重点与难点] Time and the order of events, coherence, how to narrate incidents.

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Time and order of events,

第二节Coherence in narration

第三节Tense and aspect in narration

第五章:Making Arguments 建议学时:6

[教学目的与要求] Learn how to make arguments.

[教学重点与难点] How to distinguish statements of facts from those of non-facts; how to build arguments---argumentative strategies and how to evaluate argument structure

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Distinguish facts from ideas

第二节Argument structure

第三节Development of arguments

第六章:Writing a Report 建议学时:4

[教学目的与要求] Learn how to write a report.

[教学重点与难点] General format and stylistic features of reports

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Structure of a report

第二节Useful expressions and structures in reports

撰稿人:戴理敏 审核人:宋庆伟



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