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Basic English IV

课程编码:08A11050 学分:4.0 课程类别:专业基础课

计划学时:64 其中讲课:64 实验或实践:0 上机:0



参考书目:车云宁,《现代大学英语教材全解》4,东北师范大学出版社, 2012年。










6、阅读:能阅读浅显材料以及Reader’s Digest,速度为每分钟140-160个单词;能够在5分钟内速读8,00词左右、中等难度的文章并掌握大意。



9、工具书使用:能熟练使用《英汉大词典》、Oxford Advanced English Dictionary、Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English等工具书独立解决语言问题。



第一章:Thinking as a Hobby 建议学时:10

[教学目的与要求] 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.

2. Learn some new words and expressions to enrich students’ vocabulary;

3. Cultivate the students’ oral English by doing class report, warming-up activities, role play and interaction activities;

4. Understand the topic or the theme of the passage: thinking as a unique human feature

5. Appreciate the writing devices, esp. the figures of speech used in the text.

[教学重点与难点] The three levels of thinking;developing paragraphs by definition

[授 课 方 法] Student-centred approach: Students’ practice combined with teacher’s presentation

Traditional teaching approach combined with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Warming-up Activities & Glossary

一、Film clips: thinking


第二节Introduction to the text and quotes on thinking

一、Introduction to the text and the author

二、Quotes on thinking

第三节Detailed Study of Text A: expressions, structures, etc.

第四节Appreciation of Text A: paragraph development, writing skills, etc.

一、Paragraph development

二、Writing skills

第五节Dictation & Exercises



第二章Spring Sowing 建议学时:8

[教学目的与要求] 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.

2. Learn some new words and expressions to enrich students’ vocabulary:subjugate, etc

3. Cultivate the students’ oral English by doing class report, warming-up activities, role play and interaction activities;

4. Understand the topic or the theme of the passage:Spring Sowing

5. Appreciate the writing devices, esp. the figures of speech used in the text.

[教学重点与难点] Spring sowing against primitive background

[授 课 方 法] Student-centred approach: Students’ practice combined with teacher’s presentation

Traditional teaching approach combined with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Introduction & Glossary

一、Film clips


第二节portrayal of country life

第三节Detailed Study of Text A and writing skills employed

一、Detailed Study of Text A

二、writing skills employed

第四节Quiz(or Dictation)& Exercises

第三章:Groundless Beliefs 建议学时:10

[教学目的与要求] 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.

2. Learn some new words and expressions to enrich students’ vocabulary: groundless, etc.

3. Cultivate the students’ oral English by doing class report, warming-up activities, role play and interaction activities;

4.Understand the topic or the theme of the passage: grounded beliefs and groundless beliefs

5. Appreciate the writing devices, esp. the figures of speech used in the text.

[教学重点与难点] Types of groundless beliefs and illustration

[授 课 方 法] Student-centred approach: Students’ practice combined with teacher’s presentation

Traditional teaching approach combined with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Warming-up Activities & Discussion of beliefs

一、Warming-up Activities

二、Discussion of beliefs

第二节Detailed Study of Text A

第三节Organizationof Text A and group-work

一、 Organizationof Text A

二、 group-work

第二节 Writing skills employed and appreciation

一、Writing skills


第五节Quiz(or Dictation)& Exercises

第四章:Lions and Tigers and Bears 建议学时:8

[教学目的与要求] 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.

2. Learn some new words and expressions to enrich students’ vocabulary:embolden, etc..

3. Cultivate the students’ oral English by doing class report, warming-up activities, role play and interaction activities;

4.Understand the topic or the theme of the passage:travel notes

5. Appreciate the writing devices, esp. the figures of speech used in the text.

[教学重点与难点] Features of travel notes and the title of the text

[授 课 方 法] Student-centred approach: Students’ practice combined with teacher’s presentation

Traditional teaching approach combined with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Introduction & Glossary

一、Introduction:a film clip


第二节Detailed Study of Text A

第三节Organization of Text A and writing skills employed

一、Organization of Text A

二、writing skills employed: Specific words

第四节Quiz(or Dictation)& Exercises

第六章:The Telephone 建议学时:8

[教学目的与要求] 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.

2. Learn some new words and expressions to enrich students’ vocabulary;

3. Cultivate the students’ oral English by doing class report, warming-up activities, role play and interaction activities;

4. Understand the topic or the theme of the passage;

5. Appreciate the writing devices, esp. the figures of speech used in the text.

[教学重点与难点] symbolism: symbolic meaning of the telephone

[授 课 方 法] Student-centred approach: Students’ practice combined with teacher’s presentation

Traditional teaching approach combined with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Introduction & Glossary

一、Video on the telephone


第二节Detailed Study of Text A: structures and cultural notes

第三节Organization of Text A and writing skills employed

一、Organization of Text A

二、Writing skills employed

第四节Quiz(or Dictation)& Exercises

第七章:Inter-lesson 建议学时:4

[教学目的与要求] Grasp the usage of the new words and phrases. learn some skills in translation

[教学重点与难点] Avoid the use of Chinglish

[授 课 方 法] Student-centered approach: Students’ practice combined with teacher’s presentation

Traditional teaching approach combined with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

第一节Quiz 1



三、Tips for TEM4

第二节Quiz 2




第九章: The Damned Human Race 建议学时:8

[教学目的与要求] 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.

2. Learn some new words and expressions to enrich students’ vocabulary: gouge, etc.

3. Cultivate the students’ oral English by doing class report, warming-up activities, role play and interaction activities;

4.Understand the topic or the theme of the passage: weaknesses of man

5.Appreciate the writing devices, esp. the figures of speech used in the text.

[教学重点与难点] The double sides of human nature:virtues and vices

[授 课 方 法] Student-centred approach: Students’ practice combined with teacher’s presentation

Traditional teaching approach combined with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Discussion of human nature & Glossary

一、Discussion of human nature:virtues and vices


第二节Detailed Study of Text A: Structures and cultural data

一、 Structures

二、 Cultural data

第三节 Figures of Speech: irony, etc.

第四节 Twain’s writing style & Exercises

一、Twain’s writing style in his later stage of life


第十章:The World House 建议学时:8

[教学目的与要求] 1.Practice reading strategies such as predicting, skimming, guessing, etc.

2. Learn some new words and expressions to enrich students’ vocabulary;

3. Cultivate the students’ oral English by doing class report, warming-up activities, role play and interaction activities;

4. Understand the topic or the theme of the passage:The world house

5. Appreciate the writing devices, esp. the figures of speech used in the text.

[教学重点与难点] Organization of the text

[授 课 方 法] Student-centred approach: Students’ practice combined with teacher’s presentation

Traditional teaching approach combined with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Introduction & Glossary

一、Introduction to the text


第二节Detailed Study of Text A: structures and cultural notes

第三节Text organization and Figures of Speech: euphemism, etc.

一、Text organization

二、Figures of Speech: euphemism, etc.

第四节Exercises & overall review


二、Overall review




撰稿人:刘建立 审核人:宋庆伟



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